Yoga entered my life about 12 years ago making me change my perspective on myself and my surroundings.
Since 2013 I have deepened the discipline in a more intense way, starting a path that led me to learn more about my favorite currents: from Hatha passing through Iyengar and arriving at Vinyasa. In 2016 I finished the Yoga training course at the Skuban Akademie in Munich, starting immediately to teach a gentle Vinyasa style, with slow flow, which respects and adapts to everyone's body, paying great attention to alignment. and correct breathing.
In 2020, after the birth of my daughter, I felt the desire to bring children closer to this extraordinary discipline. So in 2021 I completed the specialization to teach Yoga even to the little ones.
The journey continues and two other training courses are planned for 2021.
I like to bring Yoga closer to everyone, even and above all to those who consider themselves inflexible or not sporty enough. It is in fact the positions of Yoga (asana) that adapt to each person, and not vice versa.
If you want to know more about Yoga and my love for nature here is the link to an interview